Privacy agreement
Kimark attaches great importance to the privacy of users, when you use our service, we may collect and use your information. We hope to show you through the privacy agreement that we can protect, collect, use and store the information in the use of our services.
You use or continue to use our services, which means that we agree to collect, use, store and share your information in accordance with the privacy agreement.
Specific privacy agreements are as follows:
1 we will not be personal or organizational privacy information to other companies or agencies to sell or share without their consent to the situation.
2 we will only collect personal information, for the relevant operation of head hunting consultant, to search for senior management personnel. Individuals have the right to understand the process of their information processing.
3 we will protect and monitor the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, to prevent any unauthorized disclosure of personal privacy information.
4 we will comply with strict confidentiality commitments, the privacy of personal information to properly keep the existence of our database of talent.
5 our customers also please clear understanding of the "privacy agreement", also need to comply with.
6 we have the right to make any necessary changes to this ordinance.
If you have any questions about this "privacy agreement" or related matters, please contact us by
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